Truly Great Date Moves. Shared by Dish Stanley
I recently encountered one of the best “early” date moves I’ve seen in a while. I thought I should share it. But then I also thought it would be helpful to all of us if every CRUSH Reader thought about a particularly great date move they experienced in their past. Perhaps it was the move that lead to the next date that flowed into a relationship that resulted in marriage sooooo many years ago. A line that opened up a conversation that lasted for hours. Or perhaps it was from somebody you didn’t even click with, but the move itself had to be respected. Some of us here are still out dating—and we need to know so that we can bust out some moves :-). Please share yours—or those you’ve been the recipient of—below.
Great Date Move. I’ve already shared with CRUSH Readers that my own favorite early “date move” is to say, “I really feel like kissing you right now.” And then, of course, observe his response to see if such a kiss would be welcome. This is a variation on something a guy years ago said to me at the end of our first dinner, which was “May I kiss you?” So sweet, and of course I loved the combination of boldness and lack of presumption on his part with the respect it showed me.
I recently encountered a variation, a sort of “next step,” if you will. It is asking, after the first gentle peck, as you go in a little deeper “How do you like to be kissed?” If the recipient hesitated to answer (out of nervousness or shyness, as I may be want to do) a follow-up question could work: Keep it on the lips? Tender? Rousing? Go all in? Or would you prefer I kiss your neck, your shoulder blade, behind your ear? I mean you could get really creative here. I love this approach of asking what you like, how you like it, of checking in as you progress. It takes the other person’s current temperature; shows that the initiator is in it to please; and most importantly, it sets up a repeatable pattern of asking and telling between the two of you—a pattern of communicating needs and wants that you can ride right into a healthy relationship.
What’s the single best ”date move” anybody has ever made with you? Please, please, please share it below. We need to know, and we’ll publish it in an upcoming CRUSH Letter.
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The Crush Letter
The Crush Letter is a weekly newsletter from Dish Stanley curating articles & intelligence on everything love & connection - friendship, romance, self-love, sex. If you’d like to take a look at some of our best stories go to Read Us. Want the Dish?