The Good Life Podcast: The Girlfriend's Guide to Dating in Midlife with Dish Stanley
“And then there’s a whole category of dating issues in midlife that I’ll just put in the ‘bandwidth bucket.”
-Dish Stanley on The Good Life with Michele Lamoureux
That’s me, on a podcast! I was really nervous about the idea of doing a podcast and the truth is that Michele, a CRUSH Reader, reached out to me quite a few times before I got it together enough to record a show. I am grateful that Michele is a wonderful host and made me feel relaxed from the get-go.
And I did let it fly.
I shared in detail the arc of my dating life after being widowed in my forties. I talked about how I started out feeling optimistic and hopeful, then became frustrated by bumping repeatedly into the two common problematic dating zones for midlife dating: dating men who are separated but not divorced, and bandwidth issues. I told Michele about a deeply personal and difficult betrayal story that left me feeling unsexy, unbeautiful and unlovable — and how that lasted for years, and crept toxically into what I brought to my dates afterward. I shared how I finally got through that horrible period (just last summer) and how dating is fun again. More fun than it’s ever been, and why I believe that I’m better at dating now than I have ever been (including in my 20’s).
I share a little bit about what’s working for me, and what doesn’t. What my favorite first date is, and some of the advice I’ve gotten that is widespread but I believe just doesn’t work any more, at least for me (if it ever did for anyone —).
Thank you, Michele, for giving me the opportunity to share my experiences.
Take a listen, CRUSH Readers, and forward the episode to your friends and family. Thank you.
The Crush Letter
The Crush Letter is a weekly newsletter from Dish Stanley curating articles & intelligence on everything love & connection - friendship, romance, self-love, sex. If you’d like to take a look at some of our best stories go to Read Us. Want the Dish?