Considering opening up your life up to meet new people - for love, friendship or even just as a paddleball or bridge partner? It's an exhilirating and exhausting investment of time, energy and, potentially, emotion. Do you have to? Nope. We all have plenty of reasons to just stay inside. But if you are considering it, you'll want it to be worth the hassle. Know that I've been out doing just this - making new friends, dating, making friends out of men I'd rather be dating. In other words, opening up my heart and making myself vulnerable to the whole damn parade.
In this new periodic series I share my ongoing list of eclectic and highly idiosyncratic red flags that signal "sooner or later, this person is going to become very. very. annoying." Don't let me derail you on your road to a fuller life! But don't say I didn't warn you.

Got some Red Flags of your own for people who no doubt will become annoying friends or lovers? I'd love to hear them at Dish@PrimeCrush.com.

So, You’ve Decided to Meet Some New Friends or Lovers in Midlife? Cool, Cool. My (Eclectic & Highly Idiosyncratic) Red Flags. (Part 2) By Dish Stanley

Fortunately or unfortunately, Dish was out and about again trying to meet new friends and lovers. You know what that means? More Red Flags from actual interactions IRL. As Larry David likes to say “nothing good ever happens going out of the house.”

The Crush Letter
The Crush Letter is a weekly newsletter curated by Dish Stanley on everything love & connection - friendship, romance, self-love, sex. If you’d like to take a look at some of our best stories go to Read Us. Want the Dish?
If you love me as much as I love you (and I really do love you!), then please help me grow by forwarding this {love} Letter to a friend! And I'd love to have you join us on instagram, facebook & twitter.