“Hook Ups” is an ongoing feature introducing our readers to some of our favorite entrepreneurs and small business owners.
Hook Ups: Founders We Think You Should Know
Meet Kristen Stanton, Chief Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach at NMD Wellness of Scottsdale and Founder of Functional Footprints Health Coaching
Tell us about what you do.
As a health coach, I help clients “bridge the gap” between what they already know and how to actually get there. Functional health coaching views clients from a holistic perspective and helps them explore root causes that may be contributing to their overall health and wellness.
For how many years have you been doing this?
What’s your personal story and how did you get started?
As a self-proclaimed “Type A: I can do it all and be it all to everyone,” I was the owner of a high-paced holistic day spa for 13 years. After the birth of my second child, I was still running at my original “pre-child” pace which looked like: eating quickly in the car, working on no sleep, breastfeeding, raising two small children, making sure everyone around me was happy and giving ALL of my energy to everything except myself. In better terms, exhausting all engines on no fuel. After I stopped breastfeeding my daughter I hit the wall of utter exhaustion. I was almost 40, my hormones were drastically shifting, and life caught up with me. I hit COMPLETE ADRENAL BURNOUT. I was bed-bound, exhausted, depleted and I had to give up one of my dreams that I had created and worked so hard at: my spa. I was exhausted and I had to find my way back to my own health. It was through holistic, integrative, and functional doctors that I was able to get there. Once I found my way back to myself through time and holistic healing, I shifted my energy into functional health coaching. I knew my calling was to help support people to improve behavior, habit and lifestyle changes so that they wouldn’t have to hit rock bottom like me. Prevention is key!
You work with clients of all ages, but why is midlife the perfect time to reassess our approach to wellness?
Midlife is an interesting time in everyone’s life. We often hear the term “midlife crisis,” but I like to look at it like a “midlife inventory.” It’s time to take one. What may or may not have served us in our earlier years really starts to flash in front of our eyes. We are aging the best we know how, but hormones are shifting; our digestion is changing and so are food choices; our weight can creep up and it might be burying our spirit; lifelong goals are glaring at us; energy that we once had for things and people doesn’t serve us the same way; we start to realize that self-care is more important than ever before; and all while our identity is changing we are TIRED! Wow, right?! I encourage my clients in our coaching space at this “mid” point to step into their power with a new approach to ultimately dismantle what overwhelms them. We look at how midlife encourages different tools, skillsets and strategies on how to show up for yourself mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Being resilient takes on a new approach! Together, we explore what I call “the wheel of life” and create a wellness vision plan. Each session allows for self-discovery and space to set small, realistic and attainable goals. Midlife now takes on a brand-new lifestyle approach. It’s fascinating!
Can you create personalized plans for just about anyone?
YES! Everyone is bio-individual so what my coaching sessions support is how YOU can transform your health with your own inner wisdom and knowledge to make it fit with what will work best for you. People often coin the term “health” as just an eating plan or all about food, but my functional approach is to take ALL of you in to create your “optimal” health. We are all multilayered, so it only makes sense that we look at everything in your life. In better terms, my job as a health coach is to travel up the mountain with you as your greatest support. I will never be at ground level telling you how to get up the hill, I am only right beside you navigating each path with you.
How is wellness not always all about food?
Wellness is a lifestyle. Better yet, it’s a discipline that we need to have in order to fulfill the lifestyle. Food is a major part because we know that what we choose to eat, and ultimately what our bodies digest, is the power we lead with. However, we can’t forget about all the pillars of wellness that go along with food. We explore it all during our coaching time together.
What’s one piece of advice you’d like to give folks about wellness that’s often overlooked?
Find yourself and the rest will find you. Often times we have no idea who we are. We are floating around being what we think we should be or who we should be to others. Ego needs to leave and core values need to show up. Is the lifestyle you are currently leading aligned with your core values? Have you ever taken the time to write your core values down? There is that midlife inventory. To be our best selves and ultimately be the “well” in the “wellness” we have to do some internal work. Dust off, rearrange, purge, redefine and get to the core! It’s empowering!
Best way to reach me:
Email: healthcoachkristen00@gmail.com
Website: www.functionalfootprintshealthcoaching.com

Meet Meg Sullivan, Founder & CEO of The Quorum Initiative
In one or two sentences, please tell us what you “do” at Quorum.
As the Founder and CEO of Quorum Initiative, I get involved in guiding the strategic direction, curating the curriculum and content which includes confirming speakers, enhancing the membership through connections I meet, and creating partnership opportunities with symbiotic organizations and businesses that complement and enhance the work we do at Quorum.
For how many years?
Quorum was launched in the spring of 2011 in New York City and grew to Washington D.C., London and beyond. It is my passion project and grew out of my desire to create a space by and for women working in international business, education, and government who are passionate about sharing their skills and contacts and understand that progress happens through collective action. Being a part of Quorum feeds my soul and is additive to my life both professionally and personally thanks to all the incredible women I meet.
What kind of work does Quorum do? (And how do you do it?)
Quorum Initiative connects exceptional executive women. We are an inclusive, intimate peer network focused on delivering a curriculum including leadership, wellbeing, and professional development experiences. The goal is taking action for change for ourselves and each other. We are committed to lifelong learning, providing a dynamic and nurturing community, opening doors, promoting gender equity, and removing obstacles to advancement.
Quorum has a virtual speaker series that focuses on leadership development and inspiration from change-makers. We have virtual cohort sessions where members get a chance to share and connect in an intimate meeting. There are two signature in-person events - HOW: The Retreat that inspires reflection, connections and self-care. There is also the HOW Forum that inspires taking action for yourself, for your professional environment and for your community. Additionally, there are local in-person social gatherings where we celebrate being together and each other.
What’s your personal story of how you started—where did you get the idea?
When I reached my 40s, I turned around and realized that I had worked hard to fight my way to the C-Suite and made it, but it was complicated getting there and lonely at the top as the sole female. I decided it was time I dedicated energy to giving back and making change so others could ascend with fewer barriers and have more of a cohort once they got there. It remains shocking how underrepresented women are in leadership positions. I wanted to join and be active in an organization. The criteria I was looking for was a cross-industry, cross-markets peer group committed to taking action for change. I wanted an organization that provided important leadership development opportunities and encouraged serious connections. At the time, I could not find all those criteria in one organization so I decided to launch Quorum Initiative.
What sets Quorum apart?
Quorum is focused on you: how it can support your leadership development, goals and journey. Its curriculum is carefully curated to focus on what holds women back in the workplace and what women need to advance. It provides a safe and intimate environment to make trusted connections and share. Because of its intimate size, Quorum’s members frequently collaborate, motivate and encourage each other to turn visions into realities. Members influence and participate in every aspect of the organization. Quorum supports its members so they can be catalysts for change in their spheres of influence so every meeting or session ends with talking about what actions we are going to commit to for ourselves and for each other.
How would you describe the impact your company has on its members?
Members tell us that they have made important trusted connections through Quorum. They also feel that they continuously learn new things and have positively evolved their leadership skills. Many of our members feel the support they receive from the Quorum community has not only helped them take the next steps in their careers but it has enabled them to make hard decisions. Consistently members mention that they have been inspired to become more impactful leaders by leading with their values—elevating one another today so that more women will succeed tomorrow.
Looking back at 2022, what’s one initiative that exemplifies Quorum’s impact?
In October 2022, we held Quorum Initiative’s HOW Women Lead Change Forum in New York City. We kicked off with dinner the night before and then spent an entire day together thinking about where we are as leaders and where we want to go. Thanks to the input of incredible speakers, we were both introspective and inspired. With 80+ women in attendance, the group made meaningful connections and walked away with a plan to implement change. What was unique about this moment was everyone who said they would attend did. Every person including speakers participated fully in every session. Everyone had an opportunity to meet each other and have a meaningful and thought-provoking exchange. And no one wanted to leave a single session. The motivation to connect, collaborate and to create change was palpable and attendees left the experience with important new contacts and new information to inspire new action. That’s the magic of Quorum. That’s the Quorum effect!
Why is it important for women to be a part of a like-minded community?
We know the playing field is not level. Juggling work, family, and having a life can be a struggle. It is easy to be overdrawn and take ourselves for granted, given our obligations. Striving alone is exhausting and disempowering. We all want a supportive and encouraging space to develop our superpowers. As women fight to be heard, acknowledged and have a seat at the table, we need sounding boards, sponsors, collaborators and investors. Quorum provides all these important tools and safety nets. This community can be your catalyst for change, providing the resources to accelerate the lives and the world we want to create.
Best way to reach you?
Email: megsullivan888@gmail.com LinkedIn Website: thequoruminitiaive.com

Meet Pete Keane, Founder of Pete Keane Mountain Guide
Humorously explain your job.
I try not to “cheat death” every day, but I do take people on mountain climbing, rock climbing, and backcountry skiing adventures. If you really boil it down, I am a risk manager. I do my best to keep people safe and have a great experience all at the same time. Most of my clients enjoy moving through the mountains (hiking, skiing, ice climbing, etc.) but they don’t care to manage the risk. They just want to enjoy the movement. That’s where I come in.
For how many years?
33 years
Who takes your trips? And where do you lead them?
A wide variety. From Dorito-eating couch potatoes to extremely fit triathletes. Climbing and skiing experiences can be tailored to meet anyone’s level. I lead trips in the mountain ranges of the Western US, Canada, and Europe. My home mountain range is the Cascade Range, outside of Bend, Oregon. Right now, I am focusing my Europe skiing and climbing trips in Italy. Hut-to-hut skiing in Italy is amazing. The terrain is top notch for skiing, the people are friendly, and the huts are great places to stay with terrific food. This July, I am hoping to lead a few hut-to-hut treks in the Dolomites which are non-technical in nature. In September, I will be based in Cortina leading rock climbing and via ferrata trips. You all should come over!
Do partners/lovers/friends sign up for trips together? What do you see happen to their relationships over the course of a trip?
Yes, partners and groups of friends do sign up together, all the time. I have seen squabbling, bitching, and nagging at each other on my trips, but really most people just have a good time, and that’s where I feel like I hit the sweet spot. That is the goal, everyone feeling good, empowered, and amazed by the mountains around us. It’s not always glorious, and you do have to put in the work, but in the end, these trips are very satisfying.
Are people too exhausted to have sex though on your trips though?
Let’s just say, that intimate, quiet time isn’t always available in tents or huts, but if people are motivated, they can get it done!
What is the craziest thing that ever happened on one of your trips in terms of people dynamics?
We did have to kick one guy off a ski trip in Italy. He wasn’t listening to instructions, putting himself and others on the trip at risk. We escorted him out and said “Arrivederci”! After the trip, he was busted in the US for underage prostitution, so our intuition was not wrong about him. Gross.
Do you get a lot of people signing up who are over 45? How old is the oldest person who has taken a trip with you?
Absolutely! Many times. I regularly work with people in their 60s. I think the oldest people I have worked with are in their early 70s.
I’m pretty sure I’d like to get my friends together for an Italy hiking (and eating) trip. Best way to reach you?
Email: pete@timberlinemtguides.com
Instagram: @peterekeane

Hook Ups: Meet Elizabeth Dell, CEO & Founder of Amorous
Humorously explain what you do.
I make games and a chat app for adults to get intimate with their flame(s). Amorus is a private one-to-one connection for sexy time. Think WhatsApp, but designed to actually make you BETTER at sexting each other. Our games help start sexy convos, uncover shared fantasies, and flirt (send a photo as a blurry jigsaw: make them solve the puzzle to get the pic!).
For how many years?
Amorus was a pandemic inspiration. I wasn’t living with my partner in lockdown, so I was “burning up my thumbs.” But I wasn’t feeling like my most creative self in the apocalypse, so I went looking for tools or games to make our remote sexy time better. And came up with nothing (I did NOT expect the internet to say no when I asked for sex!). I decided to make what I wanted in the world and the result was Amorus. We launched our first tests last year and went live to the public in September 2021.
How would you describe the impact your company has made?
We make couples sexier. Our users share that they love the anticipation and spark for their relationship--when they get an Amorus message from their boo, they know it’s not about laundry or groceries, it’s something sexy to them--“immediate heart flutters.” Other users love how it makes new ideas more accessible. Knowing that you both share a fantasy (courtesy of our Fantasy Swipe game) lets you uncover something new without rejection or upset.
What is your main philosophy/credo when it comes to fun in intimate relationships?
It should be play. When we play games, we open ourselves to trying new things, to failing, to experimenting. It can be intimidating to be bad at something as a grown-up (learning a new skill as an adult sucks!). But when we play, we expect the bumps in the road--we laugh at our mistakes and dust ourselves off and try again. And then we discover new joy (Ropes? Dress-up? Ticklish toes? Think of what you can discover!)
What makes your product unique?
We love intimacy. So, we built our tools to make intimacy easier and more delicious! We are a private, secure, encrypted platform (as everywhere you’re doing sexy chat should be!). But more than that, we have bookmarks (to easily return to the best moments in your sexting history), custom emoji responses for sexy chat, revokable consent on all content (delete a pic or message and it deletes on both sides, no matter how long ago you sent it). And games for all that grown-up play time.
What is one tip you’d love our readers to hear when it comes to intimacy?
ASK QUESTIONS! Asking a relevant question is the most ninja communication move there is. It does all the things of great engagement all at once: it demonstrates that you are listening, validates your partner’s share, develops your mutual interests deeper. For example, if your flame says they love touching on the neck, ask them where on the neck? Or what type of touch (Light sweep? Deep massage? Scratch?). If you want to start a sexy conversation, a question introduces the sexy while making it easy for your flame to say “yes” or “no” or “not right now” (some of my go-to favorites are “can I share something more sexy?’ or “do you want to hear a fantasy?”)
Best way to reach you?
Instagram: @amorusapp
Twitter: @amorusapp Website: www.amorus.net
Discount for PrimeCrush readers: Amorus is currently free to first users, but we will be introducing premium membership soon. Those who join sooner get early-user privileges (as well as a bunch of sexiness with their partner!).

Hook Ups: Meet Sara Gold, Founder + CEO of Beloved Intimacy Serum & Personal Moisturizer for Women
Humorously explain your job.
I help women be ladies in the streets and freaks in the sheets with Beloved, a natural, luxurious intimacy serum, and personal moisturizer.
For how many years?
Almost one with Beloved, but I’ve been an entrepreneur for 30+ years.
Who is your product for?
Women of a certain age who use $100 skincare on their face and don’t want to be putting $10 lube on their sensitive lady parts.
What’s your personal story of how you started—where did you get the idea?
My own hormones were out of whack because of perimenopause—which caused some dryness. I searched for a product that would help, but I found nothing that was made from clean ingredients, felt natural, packaged in a bottle that didn’t scream “SEX LUBE” and wouldn’t stain my 1,000-thread-count sheets. So, I created it.
How is Beloved serum different from others like it on the market?
You can bring Beloved through an airport checkpoint and not crumble with embarrassment when a TSA officer holds it up for inspection.
How would you describe the impact your company has made on your clients?
We help bring a certain sophistication and elegance to the bedroom. It’s hard to feel sensual digging out a bottle of cheap lube that’s been hidden away at the very back of your nightstand out of fear that someone will see it.
What is one tip you’d love our readers to know about better, more intimate sex?
Lube can be an exciting part of foreplay rather than just a dollop of necessary ointment.
Best way to reach you?
Email: hello@feelbeloved.com
Instagram: @feelbelovednow
Website: feelbeloved.com
Special GIFT for PrimeCrush readers: Put “PrimeCrush” in the box that asks where you heard about us and we’ll include a special gift with purchase.

Hook Ups: Meet Kiva Schuler, CEO & Co-Founder of The Jai Institute for Parenting
“Hook Ups” is an ongoing feature introducing our readers to some of our favorite entrepreneurs and small business owners.
“Our beautiful ‘secret’ is that people come to us because they want to be self-employed doing work they love…or they’re struggling with yelling at their kids, or have a teenager who is withdrawn and participating in risky behavior…but what they learn is how to be a better human being, they learn to speak the language of feelings and needs, and reduce or eliminate blame, shame and judgment from their relationships.
This impacts everything: marriages, friendships, careers. It’s life-changing stuff.”
In sum, what do you do?
My company trains and certifies Parenting Coaches, who then work with families to create more peace, connection, cooperation, and fulfillment in their parenting--whether their kids are two or 42.
For how many years?
I founded Jai with a partner in 2011 and left the company in 2014 (ah--business divorces--so fun). I acquired the company back from her in 2019 and it’s been an epic ride. I got my baby back, so to speak ;)
How would you describe the impact your company has made throughout the years?
Every time a customer enrolls in our training, at least one child’s life gets changed. The impact of “normal” or “traditional” parenting wasn’t challenged through research until very recently (within the last 30 years). What we now know is that the very ideas of obedience and compliance impact brain development, self-worth, and mental health in negative ways.
By shifting the frame to values-based leadership for parents, we allow children to develop into the leaders and creators our society so desperately needs.
What is your main philosophy/credo when training coaches?
We are a parent-centric methodology, meaning we don’t tell parents how to parent or “get their kids to behave.” When we give parents the tools of emotional intelligence, empowered communication, and nervous system regulation, they are able to meet parenting in an entirely new way. They move from reactive to responsive parenting.
When parents understand how brains develop in children and have enough context of childhood development, they can: 1. Understand what is happening when a child “acts out”; 2. Have age-appropriate expectations of how to support their child to mature, learn and grow.
We want our coaches to have the capability (so they can deliver on the promise they make to their customers), confidence (so they market their services and get clients), and compassion (empathy is a key requirement for supporting change in entrenched behaviors and beliefs).
What makes your 13-step coaching process unique?
We offer a unique combination of parent education and coaching. As we all know, information alone does not create transformation.
As coaches, we get to understand that the intellectual processing of information is the tip of the iceberg. We need to support parents to make peace with their own parenting past so that they can understand their own reactivity in times of stress.
We teach them to self-regulate their own emotional reactivity. This actually happens in the body, not the mind (recall the last time you tried to talk yourself out of being angry, as an example--it doesn’t work!)
And finally, we need to create a family roadmap of the values, limits, and boundaries that keep kids safe and empower them to mature into independence. Empowered, peaceful parenting is not permissive parenting.
Our 13-step process gives parents the tools, support, and accountability to allow effective communication to become the replacement for punishments, consequences, and even sticker charts.
The goal is to raise children who have the intrinsic motivation to do the right thing, and the confidence and courage to pursue a life of purpose and passion.
How have you watched your coaches transform throughout their training process?
I am regularly a puddle of tears when I read the impact that our program makes on our coaches' families. Leaders go first. And so, a huge benefit of our training is that our coaches (90% of whom are parents) get to first experience the transformation in their own families.
Our beautiful “secret” is that people come to us because they want to be self-employed doing work they love…or they’re struggling with yelling at their kids, or have a teenager who is withdrawn and participating in risky behavior…but what they learn is how to be a better human being, they learn to speak the language of feelings and needs, and reduce or eliminate blame, shame, and judgment from their relationships.
This impacts everything: marriages, friendships, careers. It’s life-changing stuff.
One of my favorite things that happens is that one parent will come through our program and then six months or so down the road their co-parent will enroll. They’ll say “I can’t believe how different my kids are responding to their dad than to me!” or “I realized if I didn’t do this work I was going to lose my family.”
Gulp. It’s all rather humbling.
What is one tip you’d love our readers to hear when it comes to overcoming limited beliefs to make a connection (even if they’re not a parent)?
Accept, acknowledge and appreciate your own defensive behavior. It’s simply a behavior pattern that your mind wired into your psyche to keep you safe. By simply acknowledging these patterns, and seeing them as innocent, they will naturally soften over time.
Learn to say “Whoa. I’m being defensive right now. Can we take five and then continue our conversation?” (A little brain science for you: A defensive reaction happens when the hormones of the fight, flight or freeze flood the brain. This cuts off access to the outer layer of the brain, which is responsible for complex thinking and reasoning. Nothing good happens when we are in a heightened state in our nervous system. So stop trying! Regulate first, then reason.)
The silver lining to practicing this is that you become much more compassionate toward the defensive behavior of other people in your life. They are doing what they are conditioned to do to keep themselves safe.
It’s not personal. It’s human.
Best way to reach you?
Email: kiva@jaiinstituteforparenting.com
Instagram: @jaiinstituteforparenting
Website: https://www.jaiinstituteforparenting.com/
To hire a coach: https://coaches.jaiinstituteforparenting.com/
For PrimeCrush readers: An application and interview are required for admission, however, if you are accepted into the program use PRIME500 for a $500 discount.

Hook Ups: Meet Cynthia Besteman, Founder of Violets Are Blue Skincare
“Hook Ups” is an ongoing feature introducing our readers to some of our favorite entrepreneurs and small business owners.
Humorously explain your job.
I literally spend the day putting out fires while I whisper WTF to myself 50 times a day! (Also known as running my own company). I am the founder of an organic skincare company called Violets Are Blue.
For how many years?
We officially launched in 2015.
How is it that you turned something devastating, like breast cancer, into a successful skincare company?
My company was born out of me making products for women I was in [breast cancer] treatment with as a way for me to stay active while sick. As we grew, the need for that becomes stronger as that is the driving force of the brand. I know what women are feeling and going through and knowing how to help them, even in the most minor of ways, means everything to me. One email from a woman who has been given our products keeps me walking on air for days!
Describe the “labor of love” that goes into all of your products?
I joke that my formulas are literally made from "my blood, sweat and tears!" Seriously though, this is my favorite part of my job. Sourcing, playing with and testing new products make me so happy. We take ALL things into consideration when creating, from working directly with farmers, to sourcing the blend of oils and making sure our packaging is as eco conscious as possible. I will only launch a product if there is a need for it. We don't work from a "launch four products a year to stay relevant" perspective. And all of our products and packaging are sustainable.
Why is self-love the greatest of all?
Without self-love, how can you give energy to others? It's like the oxygen mask on a plane. First take care of you, then others. Stress can also lead to illness, which I know played a role in my cancer diagnosis. If I'm not happy, NOBODY is happy around me! (Trust me, that is NOT good!) A small act of self-love, whether it is sleeping in, playing hooky for an afternoon, a night out with friends, or, as I must add, a skincare spa day are all small things you can do to keep YOU happy!
What is an act of self-care/self-love anyone can complete anywhere at any time to increase the quality of their life?
I believe it is important to do things every week that bring you joy, without feeling guilty! (For me, it's playing pickleball a few times a week.) When I first started playing, I felt like I was doing something wrong, that as an entrepreneur I should ALWAYS be working! Take an unplanned walk on your lunch break to see what new things you see, sign up for a class, do things that help you stay engaged with the world. It is so easy to stay in our bubbles and our routines, but we need to shake it up and keep learning as we age, that keeps us young! Letting go of the guilt of feeling like we don't deserve to do things that bring us absolute joy!
Tell us about your nonprofit Warrior Revolution.
I am also the co-founder of an organization called warrior revolution where we provide weekend retreats and glow-up days to those in and just out of treatment along with their caregivers! Anyone who has gone through or going through cancer should check it out: www.warriorrevolution.org.
Best way to reach you?
Email: Cynthia@violetsareblueskincare.com
IG: @violetsarebluebeauty
Promo Code: 15% off with PRIMECRUSH15

Hook Ups: Meet Kerin Martucci, Vintage Curator & Production Stylist
“Hook Ups” is an ongoing feature introducing our readers to some of our favorite entrepreneurs and small business owners.
Humorously explain your job.
I am an archaeologist, of sorts. I hunt and dig for the right vintage style and accessories. When my clients need a custom style or look for a shoot, I find it for them.
For how many years?
Twenty-five plus.
What was super-sexy about the Victorian less-is-more style?
The popular image of the Victorian era is one of a buttoned-up society and polite social manners. The irony is not lost on the fact that the height of the fashion era was known by the hourglass figure! To achieve that hourglass figure, a woman would wear a corset to show off the plunging neckline, decollete, waist and to round out their bottoms—nothing could be sexier!
Why is a woman in a top hat so freaking hot???
To quote Marlene Dietrich: “I’m sincere in my preference for men’s clothes — I do not wear them to be sensational. I think I am much more alluring in these clothes.” It’s the androgynous style that is strong, powerful and bold which I find sexy in both a man and a woman.
Why is sustainable style sexy?
Because it has a story, a history, and not disposable to be thrown out or discarded, it has value. (Not to mention the disposable-style landfill issue…)
What is the one piece of clothing that everyone can incorporate that can make them feel sexier?
Never underestimate the camisole. The tank/half slip that is behind the blazer or under a sweater just slightly peeking out.
I own a 1940’s acetate slip top, which I wear over my bra, under the blazer. Just the hint of lace peeking out…feminine, yet with a strong voice; sexy with her boldness, but soft in her approach to business.
How is hiring a stylist an act of self-love?
The shoot with Julee stands out to me. Julee is an empty nester in her fifties who decided to fulfill a dream to become a lifestyle model. She wasn’t in her twenties nor Size 2. When she called, her request was for three separate looks. Not only did we get her into a pair of jeans (she hasn’t worn them in 20 years—she rocked it!) she felt beautiful, alive and sexy! She called to tell me this week she booked her first job. To achieve one’s dream is a journey of empowerment.
Best way to reach you?
Email: Kerrina@comcast.net
Instagram: @kerinfinds or @kerinmartucci
First consultation free.

Hook Ups: Meet Lulu Rose, Founder of Good Intentions Crystal Candle Co.
“Hook Ups” is an ongoing feature introducing our readers to some of our favorite entrepreneurs and small business owners.
Humorously explain your job.
During the day, I’m covered in PPE treating patients in a hospital setting, and at night I douse myself in wax and rocks to calm down. I actually felt called to start this business last year during the pandemic, when I thought to myself, “My goodness, I need to do something for a living that’s not traumatic!”
For how many years?
I started Good Intentions in February of 2021. Outside of the business, I have been a licensed Substance Abuse Counselor and Board-Certified Music Therapist for nearly three years, and have been a performing singer-songwriter for over ten years.
How do you infuse your products with good vibes?
Every one of my candles is made individually by hand. When I am working on a batch, I make sure to create a calm and safe environment: I burn palo santo, play good music, and light my own candles. I also practice a Reiki ritual prior to touching any of my products, so that everything I touch is infused with loving and healing energy. Additionally, I cleanse all my items with palo santo smoke, and all of my water-friendly crystals are cleansed in our Moonwater as well.
What makes your products different or special from others on the market?
Aside from being one of the only completely vegan and ethically-sourced crystal candle companies, all of my products are, quite literally, crafted with “good intentions.” Every one of my candles is designed so that a particular intention or wish can be set. For example, my candle “Steady Love” contains rose quartz crystals and dried rosebuds and petals. This candle is crafted to be burnt when calling upon love—whether it is love you want to give or receive—and I can’t tell you how many people have told me the intentions they set when lighting their candle manifested themselves in real life. (These products are only designed for setting good intentions, not attempting to cast spells or bring negativity upon any individuals, of course).
This can also be seen with my “Blessings on Blessings” candle, which contains green aventurine for money and abundance manifestation, or with “Divinely Protected,” “Burn for Heartache,” and “Dreamland.” And of course, each item I create is blessed with good energy prior to production and shipping.
What’s the one takeaway you can give our readers about the importance of good intentions in our everyday lives?
There is a quote that says, “You spend most of your life in your head, make it a nice place to be.” Setting intentions and calling upon positive energy can be extremely potent, especially when it comes to healing work. By surrounding yourself with positivity, trust, and “good vibes,” you are creating a world in which you feel happy, healthy, and safe living in. I attempt to nurture this concept in my company, Reiki healing, music therapy, and in all my counselling and healthcare work.
What is one simple thing anyone can do today to bring good vibes into their home?
One simple thing that can be done in the home is to designate a “sacred place”. This could be your entire house, or even just one corner or area of the home. I like to make my space sacred by making sure it feels cozy, personalized, and safe. I typically start by clearing clutter from my area. Then I will smudge the space with palo santo (my personal preference), burn one of my homemade candles, and play music I connect to in that moment (sometimes even my own, but anything that gets you in a good state of mind). This ritual will look different for everybody, but the importance of designating one area to be personal and relaxing can change the whole vibe of a space.
Best way to reach you? (Site/Social/Email)?
Instagram: @goodintentionscrystalcandleco
Facebook: Good Intentions Crystal Candle Co.
Email for all other inquiries or custom orders: contact@goodintentionscrystalcandleco.com
Special code for PrimeCrush readers:
All first-time customers can get 10% off my entire site using the code ‘MANIFESTING’.
Take Me Back To The Crush Letter No 39

Hook Ups: Meet Kate Porter, Founder of Burning Desire Shop
“Hook Ups” is an ongoing feature introducing our readers to some of our favorite entrepreneurs and small business owners.
Humorously explain your job.
I would say I’m a witch in plain clothing! I love to manifest love and light, and love to make people feel their very best. Whether it be through transformative skincare, makeup, or through my Burning Desire products. The collection includes candles, rituals, bath soaks and body scrubs that promote manifesting all your greatest desires--even love. Many products are accompanied by spells to strengthen the intention for whatever you manifest. I am always conjuring up new things to pamper and uplift my clients’ spirits.
For how many years?
I started Burning Desire Shop in 2021.
What does a love spell do?
My love spell--which can be ordered on the site with the candles--was designed to help manifest love in all aspects in your life. It could be used for self-love, finding true love, a lover, or making someone fall in love with you. The manifesting of your true desires is endless and up to you. What are you seeking in your life? The ritual has no guarantee, but it’s fun to dream and meditate and be clear on your desires. It certainly can’t hurt:) Many clients have said it works. So, I guess you’ll have to try it for yourself and find out.
How important is “desire” in our daily life?
Desire is extremely important in life as it’s what drives us in almost every arena. We desire money, we desire a lover, we desire happiness, so on and so forth. Without desire, we would be dead inside. It is the fuel to our fire. It’s so important that I’ve built a business around it, and I’ve designed spells and tools to help others achieve their deepest, most burning desires, as well.
How super-sexy are sustainable, nontoxic products?
I am obsessed with clean beauty and sustainable, non-toxic products. My candles are made with beeswax and the tins are reusable or can be recycled responsibly. I also use beeswax for my candles and ethically sourced herbs and flowers for my products. I use Epsom salts and essential oils for my soaks and scrubs.
Best way to reach you?
Learn more & view products:
Instagram: @burningdesiresshop
Phone: 323-899-2143
Prices vary and don’t include shipping. First-time PrimeCrush clients will receive 10% off their first order using code CRUSH10.

Hook Ups: Meet Carrie Pasquarello, CEO & Co-Founder of Global Secure Resources. By Dish Stanley
“Hook Ups” is an ongoing feature introducing our readers to some of our favorite entrepreneurs and small business owners.
Please tell us what you do.
I empower travelers to see the world in a safer and more secure way, with Wandersafe.
For how many years?
I launched Global Secure Resources Inc. in 2014 but have been strategizing safety for more than 20 years. The WanderSafe Beacon has been in production since 2018.
How does the WanderSafe make traveling better and safer?
I focus on risk mitigation and have incorporated the WanderSafe Beacon as one of my go-to safety tools. The primary purpose of the handheld device is to de-escalate a situation, alert, and distract a possible attacker with light, sound, and a special SOS function that notifies preselected emergency contacts. When we are proactive with safety and security we can travel better.
Is it easy to use?
Yes, grab and go. Keep your cell phone hands free in your Stashbandz (my other favorite safety tool) and keep your beacon handy. The WanderSafe ecosystem gives its user the tools required to diffuse a potential threat and get help faster. The user can illuminate a situation with a brilliant lumen torch, distract with the strobe feature, attract attention with a 130db blaring siren, and discreetly and silently send SOS notifications to a preset safety tribe using Bluetooth via the free WanderSafe companion app. As a woman who travels extensively on my own, I value smart stress-free travel.
How important is it for women to have a hand in developing products specifically for women’s safety and wellness?
It is imperative for women to be on the design and development side of safety and security products. After all, we know what we need to feel safe. After spending 12 years living and working in Europe and Asia, along with time spent as a crisis counselor, my experiences shaped the way I travel and how I teach others to navigate the world. I encourage more women to enter the safety and security field and find leadership positions. Traditionally the security field has been male-dominated.
Best way to purchase (or reach you)?
Promo Code: 10% off for PrimeCrush Readers!
WanderSafe promo code: BeSafe10
Email: info@globalsecureresources.com
Instagram: @global_s_r

Hook Ups: Meet Theola Wong, Founder & Creative Director of Moon Babe Blankets
“Hook Ups” is an ongoing feature introducing our readers to some of our favorite entrepreneurs and small business owners.
Humorously explain your job.
I help tired and overloaded moms channel their energy into good magic for babies via warm snuggly blankets “crafted to conjure up good vibes”.
Your products are inspired and created “by the good witch in all of us”. How did you come up with that as an idea for your business?
I am a firm believer that the objects in our homes should be meaningful, and add value to our lives. All of our products are created with the intention to help moms and babes focus energy in a healthy, positive and productive way.
I like to think our blankets are like a magic wand: created and designed as a tool to help you focus on the moment through gratitude, recognize and live your values with creativity, and raise your emotional and physical energy through protection and love.
Does someone do a blessing or cast a good spell over the products?
Me! I personally wrap up every blanket with an intention. It’s a little different each time depending on who it’s going to or if I know anything about them, but it always gets a wish or blessing before being sent out our door.
Tell us about the magical, mystical power of love?
A parent’s love is one of the most powerful energies in existence, and magic is about channeling that energy to fulfill our goals. It’s about intentionally willing change for you and your family, and consciously using your resolve to create the world you want to live in. Love can bless us with the ability to transform negative into positive, and I think as parents that’s what we want. The ability to help our children navigate and experience the world.
As a new mother, what’s surprised you as the sexiest thing about motherhood?
I have never been more proud of my body. Before I had the baby, I used to be a pretty serious fitness and health food enthusiast. At the time, I would say that I had never felt stronger or healthier in my entire life. But after having my baby I have a completely different understanding of what “strong” really means. I am in love with the shapes and the curves that my son has blessed me with. Though I may not yet be able to do all the things I was able to do before (like, jumping jacks, forget it!) I have never felt more beautiful. I love every inch of my body because it made the most beautiful thing I have ever known in my life. I feel powerful and feminine at the same time.
Also, what if I wanted to buy one for my dog?
Dogs are babes, too!
Best way to reach you?
Instagram: @moonbabeblankets
Promo Code for PrimeCrush Readers: TELEPORT for free shipping :)

Hook Ups: Meet Heather Fink, Founder & CEO of The Sexiest Beauty
“Hook Ups” is an ongoing feature introducing our readers to some of our favorite entrepreneurs and small business owners.
Humorously explain your job.
I create beauty products for the artistic pursuits, pleasure and empowerment of my fellow humans.
For how many years?
I've been creating beauty for over 30 years.
Why the “Sexiest” beauty? (Why not the “Prettiest” beauty?)
"Pretty" is what you look like on the outside, it’s surface appearance. "Sexy" comes from the inside, it’s much deeper and more complex. It’s how you feel. It's an attitude. It's what you do, think and say. #SexyIsAsSexyDoes. It’s a state of mind and actions.
My mission for the brand is to tap into and enhance that connection with your authentic inner self through the transformative power of beauty. We embrace the unconventionally, daringly unique individual. Being true to yourself. That's much more interesting.
What’s the sexiest thing you can think of about people in their mid-to-later years?
We are more in tune with ourselves, more authentic. It's not a competition any more. We are finally learning to embrace and love ourselves and fellow humans for who we are. Self-love is sexy. We're softer, gentler, kinder. Kindness is definitely sexy.
You sign your emails with “Be safe, Stay sexy”—why is staying sexy important, especially as we get older?
Staying sexy is about that mindset, that attitude, that feeling. It's ageless. Of course, society infers that as we age, we lose "it". But I beg to differ. It may evolve as we age, but more like a fine wine as we settle into ourselves. And that goes for everyone, because there is still unfortunately a lot of work to be done to reinforce body-positivity, diversity and inclusion for all humans. So, I sign off with that reminder, "Stay sexy". You already are, and don't you forget it.
Tell us about the power of a good lipstick?
The power of a good lipstick is like a superhero's cape, a suit of confidence armor. I adore this quote from Issa Rae: “Any time that I have a bright [lipstick], I’m like, ‘Here I am. Who’s ready for me?’ Even if no one’s ready.” I feel I can go out and conquer the world, or at least my next Zoom meeting, with one swipe of lipstick.
Your lips communicate your personality and intentions to the world. A bold red imparts instant glamour and va-va-voom, while a soft rosy nude gives the perfect sophisticated polish. Whatever message you want to convey to the world can be done with the subtle innuendo of a thoughtfully selected lipstick. That’s powerful!
And lastly, a good lipstick empowers the words you speak. While some say the eyes are the window to the soul, I believe that lips are the doorway to your truth. Your words have power! So, I want to hear you #SpeakYourSexy with those fabulous lips of yours. I’m listening!
Best way to reach Heather:
IG @thesexiestbeauty
Email Info@thesexiestbeauty.com
Website www.thesexiestbeauty.com
For PrimeCrush Readers: Heather is graciously offering us Code STAYSEXY20 for 20% off sitewide!

Hook Ups: Meet Barrie Rosencrans, Spa Director & Dharma Yoga Teacher
“Hook Ups” is an ongoing feature introducing our readers to some of our favorite entrepreneurs and small business owners.
Humorously explain your job.
I help clients “get happy” and feel their best from the inside out.
For how many years?
I have been Spa Director for three years and a yoga teacher for 10.
How important is self-care for a good sex life?
Sexual vibrancy and sexual vitality definitely can be enhanced with a healthy mind, body and diet. Healthy blood, cardiovascular system and skin are all enhanced with great nutrition and physical fitness. Taking care of your body with massages relieves tension, promotes relaxation. Additionally, relaxing your body through meditation and yoga can help you to feel more confident, self-aware and mindful, which can lead to better intimacy and relationships.
Can spa treatments for couples help to build intimacy?
Yes, of course, absolutely they do! Massages during foreplay even lead to better sex! The sensation of the human touch is very sensual, which can even turn to sexual. It depends on where the mind takes it.
Are there any yoga poses that help with good sex?
Yoga is an amazing way to connect with a partner, physically, spiritually and, yes, even sexually. Yoga tones up your body, softens your mind, brings energy force inside, increases circulation, relaxes both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Many poses in the yoga philosophy require the yogi to pull up the perineum muscle, and engage by pulling the belly button to spine upon exhalation. These techniques of inner-muscle engagement strengthen the core of the body. When the inner muscles are stronger the orgasm can be enhanced. One other thought regarding intimacy, yoga is a one-pointed, mindful activity that brings your focus to the present moment, as if this moment was the best moment in the world and nothing else matters. If one can exercise that mentality with themselves, then they can also duplicate the sensation with a partner during sex. True focus in the present moment can make for a more intimate moment.
Best way to reach you?
Instagram @barrieroseyoga or via email barrie@yourwalden.com. I offer private Zoom classes, in person classes and all the services at the spa. Visit yourwalden.com for more info.

Hook Ups: Meet Hilary Harley, Astrologer
“Hook Ups” is an ongoing feature introducing our readers to some of our favorite entrepreneurs and small business owners.
Humorously explain your job.
I explain people to themselves. After exhausting all mainstream therapies, crisis-driven people seek my advice as a last resort to finally gain clarity, understanding about their purpose and situations.
For how many years?
How important is astrology for the perfect love match?
For love relationships to last, astrology is EXTREMELY important. Coordinating Sun, Moon and Rising signs give a basis for mutual understanding and shared acceptance.
For June, are there any days that stand out for love and sex?
For flings, one night stands and quickies: June is YOUR month! From June 1-21 (due to dominant Gemini energy, the June 10th eclipse and Mercury retrograde until June 22nd all challenging dreamy Neptune) this month is super flirtatious, romantically playful and a real sexual fantasyland. Forget—just fuhgettabout—any expectations for lasting romances begun in June. Romance is fleeting and fantastical this month with zero staying power.
What are the hottest astrological love matches in the zodiac?
The fire signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. However, mix a Scorpio with any one of those signs and it is a BONFIRE.
Any special love/relationship warnings?
If you’re seeking long-term love, wait until the end of June (after June 23rd) for a first connection or date. July and August are infinitely better for creating lasting romantic partnerships. As always, show up honest and real. TRUST your gut and intuition. Ask: Does he/she/they make you feel alive, SOULFUL, light you up from the inside out? If not, expect disillusionment and disappointment.
Best way to reach you?
My website www.hilaryharley.com or directly at hilary@hilaryharley.com. I offer astrology natal/birth charts, current forecasts and solar return readings to understand what’s happening for you right now!

The Crush Letter
The Crush Letter is a weekly newsletter curated by Dish Stanley on life, love & culture after 45. If you’d like to take a look at some of our best stories go to Read Us. Want the Dish?
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