

. 16 min read

Things I thought you might want to know about, and some you probably don’t.

Flight Thefts. Having just returned from a long flight, I found this PSA about thefts on flights relevant and eye-opening. I’ve never had anything stolen from me on a flight, so I don’t want to overreact but this is not something that was on my radar in any significant way. I usually carry my passport, driver’s license, credit cards and cell phone in a discrete, low-key black waist travel pouch that I keep on me during flights. I’ve had mine for years so I can’t find a link to it, but it is similar to this one from Pacsafe. It is not a chic designer pouch. That’s purposeful! My goal when I travel is to not look rich & glitzy! To not call attention to myself. To look sharp, understated and kinda stylish and cool but definitely not rich.

Also, I wear my waist travel pack under a loose, zippable leisure (meaning sweatshirt-like) tunic — like the AirEssentials Full Zip Tunic I told you about last week. The reason I got that tunic in particular is that you can unzip it from the bottom up (as well as from the top down), giving a little more room if you need it for the waist pack.

I am a freak about safety when I travel. I have been mugged and I have had valuables (a Cartier watch, an Armani blazer) stolen (from my hotel room — in a well-regarded, upscale hotel). I have had valuables stolen from checked bags (golf clubs, a designer purse, an Hermes scarf, etc.). I love to travel and have adopted an obsessively considered approach to it around safety and convenience that includes packing light, not checking luggage, not bringing valuables and a low-key look that is, I hope, sharp and upscale. You can read more in my Travel Tips You May Not Know piece, which is below in the Some Past Related Articles Section. (I need to update that this week to address flight theft. I update it regularly.)

One More PSA: A good reminder that men need male friends from Orion Taraban’s PsycHacks series. But solving the loneliness crisis for men may require men, and the women who love them, to make a mindset change.

On Broadway. Staying on the topic of loneliness: on my way to New Zealand I spent a couple of days in New York with a girlfriend and we caught the play Maybe Happy Ending. It asks questions like why bother loving if it’s going to end? That sounds sad, but the production is a surprise - clever, sly, funny, humorous and we both loved it.

Live Comedy. Another night, we checked out the line-up at Rodney’s Comedy Club on the upper east side. It has recently reopened after a revamp — it was formerly Rodney Dangerfield’s club — and it’s still finding its legs. The crowd was small and the comedians were uneven, but we agreed we’d definitely go again. The rawness and intimacy of seeing somebody step up to give it a go was a thrill. They’re making themselves so vulnerable. It was also interesting to break down what worked and what didn’t on our walk home after. We both said that we felt a lot of feelings while watching the acts — yes, humor, but also empathy and inspiration for those getting on stage. We both love funny things and thought that going to these was a good way to incorporate more humor into our every day lives. So here’s a belt out for going to your luck comedy club.

A Funny Comedian. We were in the mood to watch more live comedy after Rodney’s and started Leanne Morgan’s I’m Every Woman show on Netflix when we got home. We said we were only going to watch a few minutes, but we were enjoying it so much that we watched the whole thing. She’s funny. Very relatable. We agreed we’d love to be in the audience for her new tour Just Getting Started. Follow her on insta here.

I have used a matchmaker, so I have lots of thoughts on the piece that dropped yesterday in The Cut on matchmakers to the ultra wealthy. I’ll share more on the benefits of working with a matchmaker and whether it’s really worth it in an upcoming Letter, but in the meantime, I’m all in for this glimpse into how it’s done for the billionaire class.

Speaking of dating, as I told you earlier this month, I had a lovely conversation with Michele Lamoureux on dating and relationships in midlife for an upcoming episode of her podcast The Good Life. Michele told me that that episode might air as early as this week, so subscribe to The Good Life if you want to hear it as soon as it drops. And fingers crossed that I come off sounding good. I’m a little nervous about it.

Oh, and what are you doing Sunday night? I’ll be watching Season 3 of The White Lotus on Max. Thailand, poking fun at wellness culture and luxury tourism and three long term friends on a girls’ trip? That’s a seething cauldron I can’t miss.

Another thing I’ll be doing this week end? Watching the third (and, we hope, final) drop in the Bridget Jones series (on Peacock). How can I not? I mean it is — I gather from the trailer and various general humming — that it is a “middle-aged woman getting her groove back after serious loss” story (right up my alley, CRUSHes!). And, Hugh Grant and Emma Thompson are back. I love them. I’ll report back!

For Valentine’s month, The Criterion Collection has pulled together a list of the films that make up the best New York Love Stories. Watching these would be a great way to spend time with a squeeze this month. Even their teaser is a nostalgic thrill.

Thanks to the many CRUSH Readers who forwarded this week’s NYT article Why Gen X Women Are Having the Best Sex of Their Lives.

I love this dating advice, which I heard years ago and try to follow religiously. It is best to force yourself to create options before prematurely settling in on one person. It allows you to take the pressure off the feeling that this one thing needs to work out.

I have a lot to say about how great Season 2 of Shrinking was, but one of the reasons was the thrill of watching Harrison Ford as Paul Rhoades, a behavioral therapist. Harrison Ford Is Still Full of Surprises is a fun feature on the actor from WSJ Magazine. Remember that before he was Luke Skywalker, Ford was the carpenter who took forever to finish a deck on Joan Didion and John Gregory Dunne’s home in Malibu? We learned that in the documentary on Didion by her nephew Griffin Dunne.

Meanwhile, speaking of Didion, what do we think about the ethics around posthumously publishing the diaries of famous writers who were famously private, under circumstances where there is ambiguity about whether they would want their private journals published? I ask, of course, because diaries of Didion that were found in a filing cabinet years after her death are being published in April. Notes to John cover intimate details of her marriage, her therapy sessions and her fraught relationship with her depressed, alcoholic, deceased daughter.

Back when it first came out, CRUSH Reader Rachel wrote in for our DEVOUR column to tell us that she was devouring SHOGUN. Thanks to her, I became obsessed with it too. My obsession (and evidently Rachel’s) feels validated by all the awards it garnered from the Emmy’s. For those of you who haven’t checked it out yet, I’m re-running Rachel’s DEVOUR here.

From CRUSH Reader Rachel. Watch. The remake of Shōgun (Hulu and FX). Slight new twist on a classic we grew up watching, a compelling drama and a good romance with tension. It is an epic journey, and I started listening to a couple of podcasts on the show that provided a lot of additional insight and background, and they added rich layers to the show. There is an official FX podcast and there is also Mangum Talks TV, where the host covers every episode from a reviewer’s perspective.

Shōgun Podcast | FX’s Shōgun
Listen to the Podcast from FX’s Shōgun.
Shogun- Episode 1: “Anjin”
Spencer and Lee review episode one “Anjin” of FX’s “Shogun”! We start with a recap, and then dive into segments: Winners/ Losers, Best Line, Best Culture Clash

Actress Maria Bello wrote the most touching piece on the same theme that we cover in our Quiver series — looking back on our first love all these many years later, and what it meant in our lives — in the New York Times.

Asking “what are you most grateful for in your life right now?” and other solid first date advice for those of us out there in the wild, wild world of dating, in the GOOP newsletter.

This is crazy, but the world is about to be treated to some new Mozart scores, according to The Guardian.

An iconic 85-year old Bergdorf personal shopper knows a lot about people, and it all comes out in this wonderful article from The New Yorker’s archives. “You listen, you prescribe—clothes are a fix—and you hold up a mirror. Most people can’t see themselves.”

I am on a tear to learn how to be funnier, so even though David Sedaris says he’s not exactly sure why the Pope invited him and a bunch of the other funniest comedians on the planet to meet with him at the Vatican, I know why. Not to laugh, thinks me (though that would be a natural outcome), but to learn how to make others laugh. Anyway, Sedaris’s hysterical account of the whole weird thing is in (of course) The New Yorker.

The brilliance of Slow Horses has not let up a tiny bit and its Season 4 has (yet again) dropped to resounding praise, as you can read in this piece from reviewer Tom’s Guide.

Because a good reminder is a good thing, here’s how those who master longstanding love do it, from The Atlantic.

“A REMINDER TO SUBMIT YOUR FIRST WEEK ATTENDANCE TO THE REGISTRAR, IN THE STYLE OF CORMAC McCARTHY’S ALL THE PRETTY HORSES,” is a short, clever, slyly humorous and utterly on point diversion, from McSweeney’s Internet Tendency.

Since I’m uncertain as to the overlap of Phish fans with GQ readers in a venn diagram, for those of you devoted to Phish you’ll want to read about this guy who recently spent four days with them, from GQ.

And lastly, you don’t have to be a fan of either Anna Wintour or Naomi Campbell to chuckle over how the recent contretemps between these two divas is absolutely quintessential Anna and quintessential Naomi, from TMZ.

A nuanced consideration of the darkness that underlay Kate Spade’s witty style, from WSJ Style.

How the relationship between Harper and Eric from Industry became the most fascinating one on television, from The Guardian.

A definitive guide to the fair way to split the bill at a restaurant, from Bon Appetit.

Extremely detailed notes on hiking the Dolomites, from Ann Friedman’s substack Culture Study.

An easy, perfect, delicious no-cook pasta recipe for your in-season tomatoes, from Epicurious.

For fans of the dark Irish comedy Bad Sisters, there’s good news about a Season 2 (finally), from Deadline.

While there is no trailer yet, Apple TV+ plus released this photo “teaser” of Season 2.

I Started Nate Silver’s Latest Book on Risk. Silver’s thesis in On the Edge is that most of the richest people in the world are rich because they are big risk takers (okay, that’s not a new theory: the idea that ‘the greater the risk, the bigger the reward’ has been around), but he extends that to argue that the rest of us — 90% of of the world — would be improving outcomes across a wide range of personal and professional areas in our lives if we took a lot more calculated risks. We just need to know how to improve at risk-taking. Through interviews with an array of successful (and some failed) risk-takers, the hope is that we’ll learn.

Book linked here

I Also Bought This Memoir Written by an Escort Worker. In CRUSH Letter No 170, I told you that the excerpt in The Cut from An Honest Woman caught my attention because it is focused on the escort’s married clients and their relationships, rather than on her and/or her relationship with her client. Meaning, it has the possibility of giving insight on the primary romantic relationship her clients’ are in. I am curious about that: the reasons for marital infidelity, how that infidelity is “managed” by the couple (openly and directly, open but ignored, or as a secret), the client’s feelings about ”outsourcing” (so to speak) that element to a paid sex worker. Well, now book is out.

Book linked here

The Only Reason to Watch Season 4 of Emily In Paris Is to See Sylvie. I find Emily herself to be uncompelling: predictable and garishly dressed, not in a fun way. But Sylvie is an inspiration. I wrote Merci! to Emily In Paris for One of the Most Compelling Women in Pop Culture. Sylvie. Sylvie is the reason to check out Season 4. Let’s just hope her story moves closer to center stage.

And, I Can’t Wait for the Upcoming Clooney+Pitt Male Bonding Flick. I love to see all kinds of depictions of friendships at the stage — whether among men, among women or coed/mixed up. And Wolfs has potential, don’t you think?

Having Said That, I’m Bracing Myself for the Next Season of This Midlife Female Bonding Series. I’m not sure I even finished the last season of RHONY. Honestly, I can’t remember anything that happened after seeing Jenna Lyons’s closet, except that there were a lot of annoying product pushes by its stars. That won’t stop me from checking out the newest season when it airs.

I love this quick televised interview with the great French actor Alain Delon. And not just because when asked (at the end) what animal he’d like to be reincarnated as he responds, immediately, with “a malinois. It’s a Belgian Shepherd.” (And that’s what my dog is.) I love that he does not come across as studied or overly pondering - he responds naturally and with ease. For instance, his response to one of the first questions he is asked “Favorite drug?” Is “L’amour.” (Love.) So French. And so true. It’s a drug, for sure.

Wondering how polyamory became so popular? I wasn’t, but how could you not notice it? I started seeing it ever since I saw Tim Ferriss’s 2015 twitter post asking: “If you’ve had a winning “polyamorous” relationship, how the fuck did you make it work?”  A year after that I was at a (professional!) cocktail party in Silicon Valley when not one, but three, tech executives “let it drop” that they were polyamorous (followed by a lengthy pause, apparently giving me an opportunity to respond). Anyway, if you were wondering about why, Jennifer Wilson reviews American Poly, a new book by Christopher M. Gleason, for the New Yorker. Along the way, Wilson does a scan of recent pop culture for all the loaded references to this lifestyle choice increasingly popular with those from Park Slope to San Francisco.

Rich Dudes Driving in Circles is an excellent podcast episode to listen to if you (like, ahem, some of us) were thrown off by the whole F1 thing. In it host Anne Helen Peterson of Culture Study talks with Nicole Washington about what’s behind the rich dude F1 craze that started for a lot of people with Netflix’s Drive to Survive over the pandemic. (You can listen to it with a free 7-day trial.)

People have gone crazy for Saltburn (Prime Video), the ultra stylish, sinister British class film by Emerald Fennell, even (uncomprehendingly) comparing it favorably to one of the best movies of the nineties The Talented Mr. Ripley. It‘s too long by at least a half hour, but what’s worse is that the last half of it collapses into something resembling more of the 1976 Carrie horror film. The best scenes start (and end) with Rosamund Pike’s off-hand upper-crust cruelty about 40 minutes through. My suggestion is to take it from there and fast-forward all the way through to the end, when Barry Keoghan (as the newly triumphant Oliver Quick) closes the movie with a hypnotic, sexy, nude dance scene (and what a body).

Murder in Boston: Roots, Rampage and Reckoning (Max) is a documentary produced and directed by Jason Hehir (of The Last Dance) that wrestles with the well-deserved reputation Boston has long had as one of the country’s most racist cities. It examines the city’s systemic racism through the lense of Carol Stuart’s murder by her husband, which was falsely pinned by him (and then the police, media and politicians) on “a black man in a track suit.” I just moved out of Boston after twenty years, and I remember reading the Pulitzer winning Common Ground about Boston’s turbulent busing decade when I arrived in 2001 and thinking the same thing then I felt after finishing Murder in Boston: “holy shit, can this city still really be that tribal?” 

Speaking of Flight of the WASP, (well, not right this moment, but we were in The CRUSH Letter No 138 because it is on Dish’s Bookshop “shelf” Up Next: On Dish’s Nightstand, this story from Messy Nessy, complete with archive photo’s on New York’s Forgotten Outpost of European Aristocracy, is a fascinating look at the history of Gardiner Island in Long Island.

My good friend Nina and I started playing backgammon regularly from afar using the cool Backgammon NJ HD app. One of us sends an invite to the other through the app, and then, if we’re both free we also call and chat over speaker phone while playing. It really feels like being together.

The PBS documentary The Gilded Age (from 2018) is delightful, gossipy, informative look at the world covered far less compellingly in HBO’s series. If you want to know what really went down during this fascinating, volatile, formative period in America’s social and economic history, check out PBS’s full American Experience treatment.

The Most Beautiful Book Cover Art of 2023. A great book cover evokes the tension of the story itself, while startling us with catchy graphic design. Here are two of my favorites, but the full list is gorgeous.

Film at Lincoln Center published its Film Comment list of Best Films of 2023I haven’t seen most of them (lots of esoterica here), so in some sense it’s aspirational? But I did see May December, its number one film of the year, which I had told you earlier I thought was “exquisitely well-acted.” And creepy as shit. Scorsese’s Killers of the Flower Moon was on the top of a lot of the individual lists contributed by critics I admire to Film Comment, as were Anatomy of a FallPast Lives And The Boy and the Heron (all on my list).

Radical Wolfe, the documentary on American writer Tom Wolfe, is now out on Netflix. When it aired in theaters in NYC this past fall I wrote this to a friend: “It covers a bibliography of his life and major works, putting both into cultural context (of the period, as well as situating him outside of New York intellectual elite circles). There is some great footage, since he was in the media so much. Lots on his brilliantly written 1970 piece skewering the fundraiser the Bernsteins threw for the Black Panthers. But at 100 minutes there’s too much ground to cover. (In contrast, the Didion documentary was 40 minutes longer, though she was not nearly the cultural blockbuster). So it is an appreciative, fun and entertaining, but I’d argue, thin treatment.”

The Atlantic Theater’s off-Broadway production of Buena Vista Social Club is a fun, joyous ride, raking in great reviews. It is the musical story behind the wildly popular original album released in 1997, which inspired a critically-acclaimed 1999 documentary by Wim Wenders. Written by playwright Marco Ramirez, the new theater production was a thrill to watch, agreed me and my friend Philip, as we walked out. The fine music and dancing carry the narrative, which is more of a backdrop.

Kendall Roy is a teenage girl and that‘s why women love him. From The Face‘s ”best of” articles, this one dissecting the millenial tik tok “love” of Kendall Roy is incisive and fun. “A chunky subset of the always-online world loves and nurtures the media mogul’s second eldest, hopeful inheritor of dad’s ​“dinosaur” media empire. To them, Kendall (played by Jeremy Strong) is a misunderstood teenage girl – a baby girl or Kendoll, whichever feels cringiest to you. They stan him with the ferocity of the BTS Army …

Picture a montage of Kendall’s most vulnerable moments on the show, each one embodying the overwhelming ​“please, just love me” mood of a volatile teen girl.“

Sex & Good, which sells good sex products, just published this post These habits are bad for your V. And it’s good, but it’s missing one thing. Bad lube. And by that I mean lube that has bad ingredients in it. Please, CRUSHes, check the ingredients in your lubes. I write about what to avoid, and which safe lubes our PrimeCrush Toy Testers like in Everything’s Better Wetter.

The Crush Letter
The Crush Letter is a weekly newsletter from Dish Stanley curating articles & intelligence on everything love & connection - friendship, romance, self-love, sex. If you’d like to take a look at some of our best stories go to Read Us. Want the Dish?

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'Merci'! to Emily in Paris for one of the most riverting women in pop culture "Divorce, Baby, Divorce" by Liza Lentini "Don't Touch My Hat.*" Midlife Men & Loneliness "This is a Tale of Modern Love ..." 2022 2024 Hit List 3 things I'm crushing on 5 Books to Help You Chill TF Out 5 Great Boutique Hotels Around NYC. By Jeanne Bosse 5 things that turn our crush readers on A Book That Could Unf*ck Your Relationship: I Want This To Work By Elizabeth Earnshaw. Reviewed By Angela Kempf. A Circle of Crones. By Elayne Clift A Roman Love Affair. By Lady Verity A Turntable and a Candle: F-ing Classics About Face: Skincare Essentials for Men An Upbeat Playlist for the Divorce-curious And I Wondered ... Do We Really Need A SATC Reboot? And Just Like That... Who Are These People?? By Jeanne Bosse And so this is Another brother gained and lost. By Jeanne Bosse Ask Dish Bedtime Rituals for Couples. By Lauren D. Weinstein Bisexually Anxious Among the Noodges. 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Dish Stanley Dish Stanley's Rules for Polite Society Dish’s Fall & Winter Reading List Doing Nothing With Friends Eating Out. No Reservations Required. By Sugar Lips Effortless, Natural Holiday Makeup. By Lauren D. Weinstein Emily In Paris Extended Encounters. By Lisa Ellex F*ck Songs. Three Best Jazz Albums for a Sexy Night In. By Lisa Ellex Facelifts: The Secret of Aging with Style and Attitude: Mireille Guiliano. Reviewed by Evie Arnaude Favorite Clothing & Shoe Brands from A Sharp Looking Guy Favorite Non-Fiction Film Review Five Best Jazz Clubs Around The Country. By Lisa Ellex Foria's Totally Useful Guide to Sexting Four Indie Bookstore That Stayed In My Life Long After I Left Town. By Dish Stanley French Kiss: French Girls Do It Better, Right? friendship Fun in the sun skincare tips get your spy thrill on Girl Crush. By Lady Verity Good Luck Joan by Dish Stanley Grief. By Lauren D. Weinstein Healing Through Change. By Lauren D Weinstein Heard It at The Grammys: Dishs Crush on Silk Sonic Hefner. By Bob Guccione, Jr Hide A Love Note In Their Pocket. Hit List Holiday Invites Holiday Perspectives. By Dean Christopher Hook Ups Hot Thots How to Be the Most Charming Person at a Holiday Party. By Evie Arnaude How to find porn thats actually good I am my own family I just turned 60 but I feel 22 I redesigned my closet. I'm Dish, the Master of Ceremonies Im glad my mom died In Good Hands. Kathy: This Is A Love Story About Three Friends La Mia Famiglia by Lisa Ellex Lamentations on the Lost Art of Kissing. By Elisabeth C. Lamotte Leave the husband, bring the cannoli. By A.K.A. Darla Leaving the door open Let's Reconsider, with Adam Grant Love & Mike's "Bad Girl Pasta" Love/Sex/Moon Magick By Lynn Eaton LXIX. By A.K.A. Darla Meeting Across the River Melissa Biggs Bradley's New Book Safari Style Makes Me Want To Go On A Safari midlife MIDLIFE CRISIS: When Reality Strikes, By Dean Christopher Movie Magic. By Amy Ferris My First Solo Trip: Mexico, Part I. By Dawn Larsen My Prostate Journey: A Personal Story My Tits Contain MulTITudes Naked & Not afraid by KC Roth Oasis in the Desert. One woman's honest journey through vaginal rejuvenation. OMG Yes. Pamela Anderson: What Her Story Says About Us paris Pillow Tawk (or NOT)? Play well with others. By Dish Stanley Playing Games: A Review of Esther Perel's New Sold Out Card Game. Podcast Review: Dying for Sex. Why You Need to Listen to Molly's Journey. political thrillers PrimeCrush & Chill: Movies Worth a Re-Watch PrimeCrush Bookshop PrimeCrush Cocktail Coaster Giveaway! QUIVER. Sexual Debut Stories. recommedations Red Flags Reports from the edge. By Jane Boon separate bedrooms Sexual Frustrations. By Elisabeth C Lamotte Shameless Quick & Easy Mac & Cheese. By Evie Arnaude Sighs & Moans. By Ralph Greco SIP. Best Lines from the Double Dates Podcast Hosted by Marlo Thomas & Phil Donahue Six Ways to Get the Friends Who Count Snapshot Rec: Get Yourself Sexify-ed on Netflix. Snapshot Rec: Read Liza Lentini on the Indigo Girls in SPIN Solo in my Sixties. By Jeanne Bosse Songs That Make You Wanna F*ck. Stanley Tucci Is Paradise Stories to Read Aloud to a Lover. By A.K.A. Darla Summer Bookstack Tell Me More. By Dish Stanley The 3 Things You're Really Fighting About The 4 Most Common Skincare Issues for Men (But Were Afraid to Ask). By Lauren D. Weinstein The Crush Letter 58 The Crush Letter Its a tune The Crush Letter No 39 The Crush Letter No 46: DEVOUR The Crush Letter No 57 The Crush Letter No 59 The Crush Letter No 60: DEVOUR The Crush Letter No 61 The Crush Letter No 62 the crush letter no 63 The Crush Letter No 78 The Crush Letter No 80 The Crush Letter No 81 The Crush Letter No 82 The Crush Letter No 83: DEVOUR The Crush Letter No 84 The Crush Letter No. 79 The Crush Letter: Culture / Comment The Dynamics of Friendhip By Lauren D. Weinstein The Friendship Files By AKA Darla The Golden Bachelor The Hole. By Kiva Schuler The Holiday Anti-Checklist By Liza Lentini The Last Showgirl The New Menopause By Dr. Mary Claire Haver The Perfect Snowy Saturday. By Jeanne Bosse The Ritual of Comforts. By Lady Verity The Sex Position Report. By Dish Stanley The Solo Series Thee Timeless Travel Books. By Bob Guccione Jr. Things To Let Go Of. By Dish Stanley This must be the place To get all of us, subscribe. Top Ten Jazz Albums To Soothe Your Soul. By Lisa Ellex TOPIX Transitions Travel tips Treats: A Sex Toy Tester Update Under The Radar Series. By Dish Stanley Valentines day what dead to me taught me about family. Who Are CRUSH Readers Grateful For? Women of a Certain Age Whose Style I Admire You're My Medicine Your Big Green Heart. By Liza Lentini Your Love Is King & Queen, GQ Zits a poppin Zoning Out in Comfort. By Dean Christopher